We Want Your Frequency Modulations!

Important update: due to a multitude of sine and triangle wave emissions from the studios of Clan Analogue artists across the country, we are extending the deadline for submissions to the FM compilation by two weeks.

Please get your FM tracks to us no later than Monday the 12th of August. We look forward to hearing your work!

Read below for more details on this project:

Clan Analogue are seeking tracks for their new compilation album, a celebration of FM synthesis.

Just over 40 years ago, in 1983, Yamaha released the DX7 synthesizer and inaugurated a new age of digital FM synthesis. To celebrate the rich history of this innovation in sound creation, Clan Analogue are looking for new explorations of FM synthesis for their next compilation album.FM synthesis takes many forms. Whether you use a classic Yamaha DX7 or its Dexed emulation, Operator in Ableton Live or Native Instruments’ FM8, FM-patched modular rigs or analogue synths with FM functionality, your contributions are welcome. 

FM synthesis was the sound of funky basslines and keyboard riffs in many 80s pop hits but was also heard in the hypnotic ambience of Brian Eno and experimental compositions by FM guru John Chowning. Whatever your inspiration, we invite you to move beyond the preset to explore sounds of the future, the past or a sideways alternative reality.  

Submissions are being accepted up until the 31st of July. [now updated until the 12th of August].

Please make sure you check the following points:

  • We want new work that has not been released 
  • We would also like you to submit a 30-second video of yourself in the studio creating your FM sounds – this doesn’t need to be professionally produced, just capture the vibe of your process
  • We would like a WAV file submitted for consideration by the due date. Email a download link to tieran [at] clananalogue.org
  • As we are an Australian electronic music collective, we prioritise submissions from Australian artists, however we may also accept some international contributions

Any questions related to this project, please ask Tieran – tieran [at] clananalogue.org

We look forward to your creative genius!